I love this place... but it's haunted without you.

thanks for reading and following :)


Nunca se entiende algo hasta que lo vives en tus propias carnes. 
Una vez leí que "nadie mata a nadie, nadie se suicida, nadie se muere de pena y nadie llora más de tres días seguidos". Yo, de verdad, puedo afirmar que las cosas no son así.  Y menos cuando se trata de perder. 
Puedes perder tu camisa favorita y sentirte apenado. Pero perder a la persona que más te ha querido, a lo más grande que has conocido jamás, y la única que da, ha dado y te dará todo lo que necesites y aún más que eso, te causa un dolor que te desgarra el alma, una herida que puede que no se cure en tres días. Y si lloras, lloras.  

Ella es, fue y será la mujer más valiente, más fuerte, más maravillosa, y más grande que nadie conoció, y no lo digo yo, lo dicen todas las personas que sufrimos este dolor incesante en el pecho.


the golden age.


Hope you guys enjoy these videos :)


Doesn't matter

It doesn't matter how many times you try to destroy me.
It doesn't matter how cruel you are, or how you would hurt me.
It doesn't really matter how many times I've fallen down or how many mistakes I've made. It doesn't matter the way you thought yesterday, because it'll be different tomorrow.

What it does matter is the way the words you said could made me feel that way, and how you said them heartless. And how you didn't care if they hurt me or not. And how you come back to me as if anything is wrong. 
Maybe you're the last one here who knows this, but I've change my mind. You had an opportunity. 

And you lost it.


-What the hell are you doing here alone? - he asked me. I was still puzzled and the words didn't come out of my mouth. - Hey, are you ok? Do you need something? - he asked me again.
-No, no. I'm fine. What are you doing here? - I asked him.
-I've asked it first! - he said, as he used to say when we were together. And he laughed. - Just kidding - he smiled -. Actually I'm here because I had to take the dog out for a walk...Where is she?... - he said looking for her - Oh look! There she is! - And he looked at her with so much love in his deep blue eyes. He was so handsome... He called her and she came back when we were, and when she saw me, she rushed towards me. She loved me. After all, when we went to his house to have lunch, I always fed her with my food.
-Look... she has missed you - he said happily.
-Yah... - I said -. At least, there are someone who does. - I said without thinking about these words firstly. Then I realized. These words hurt. - Um... I'm sorry, I didn't mean that...
-It's ok, don't apologize. In fact, that's not true at all. - he said. What did he mean with "not true at all" ? Was it possible that... ?
-What do you mean? - I asked. - Have you... missed me? - It was weird, but it was not difficult to me asking him what way did he feel or what he was thinking. I think that our one-year-long relationship had influence with that and the confidence between us.



hello, summer.

Hi guys, sorry for not being here for such a long time! As always I've been busy with my final exams and so on and so forth, but I'm finally done! I've finished all of them... I've failed one of them, but on next month I'll be completely free. 
By the way, last week I went to Lanzarote with my parents, again. And my friend Stephanie took these wonderful pictures of me. Hope you like them.

Have a nice summer beginning, and to all of them who hasn't already finished your exams, be strong! :)


Wait for what?

Wait. What is it for? Is it necessary?
Why does everybody wait for something? Is it something innate?
I remember when I was a child... I used to wait for Christmas, for the big day when I'd wake up and see all the presents underneath my Christmas tree. And that was a good reason for waiting.
Some years later, I used to wait for those days which were completely awful. Those days when I had an exam and I hadn't studied. Those days when I waited extremely impatient for the bell to ring just letting our summer holidays start.


Carnival time

Hey bloggers :) As I promised, here are 
the best pictures about carnival time! hope you like them :)


Don't you wish?

Don't you wish you could go back to 
when you hadn't lost anything?


Hi lovely readers :) My Nikon is officially dead... too bad!! That's the reason because I haven't been here so much. It's possible that next week I'll get another one, so I'll try to upload new pics and stories :) 
Have a nice week.



Like everyone / Como todos los demás

Everything reminds me of him. It's not like I don't want to forget get him over, which I should do... but, it's not that easy. Living here. Every Friday, at the same time as ever, I keep looking through the window, waiting for him to pick me up and go out. I remember him with the streets we used to walk through, with the songs we used to sing, with every sunny day, with his graffitis, with the places we used to go, when I see guys doing skating stuff, when I get back home by bus. More than 365 days. More than 365 different moments. Each one are in my mind, written with permanent ink. I was plenty and completely happy. Even though I get over the limits of my happiness. And, now that my mind and my soul know that I can do it for being happy, they have achieved doing it for being sad, getting over the limits of my pain.
At first I thought that I was great and I could reach it alone. But then, I realized how empty I was, and I couldn't refill myself. Looking at a picture of him were immediate tears. Walking my way for going home meant finding all those grafittis that he made for me, and that made me cry. He would never tell me again he loved me. He would never comfort me again when I were sad. He would never make me laugh again in our way. Anyway, I'm not more than a forgotten memory in the past. He doesn't feel anything when he looks at me. I'm just a person that has passed through his life. No more or less important that anyone. I'm just like everyone.

Para la traducción...

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