I love this place... but it's haunted without you.

thanks for reading and following :)


The Film-Lover Corner: Musical Films (I)

My top 5 1900s-musical films.

I have to admit one of my passions is to watch films and movies. I can't help it - they let my imagination fly. This morning I was listening to the music which came up of my phone and I thought 'why shouldn't I share what I like?'. So, I started to do a list of my favourite films which was not very easy, I have to say. One of my all-time problems is that I love so many things that it is so difficult to me to pick just one favourite, or restrict my favourite things jus to a limited number. So, I tried my best and beginning with only 5, my list grew up to 10. But don't worry, I split it up in two parts. Today here you have my top 5 XX century musical films. Enjoy!


New In: Benefit.

Good morning, ladies!

Yesterday I decided to get off my bed and go shopping instead. We have to take advantage of the sales before there's nothing left for me to buy! I picked up some Levi's that I was wanting for ages - the colour is not my favourite, though. I also picked up some bits and bobs of make-up that I have been wanting for so long, and at last I got it.
Benefit it's a well-known brand, both for its packaging - which is gorgeous! - and their quality. I have never owned anything from Benefit myself, but some of my friends have. 

In other countries, like the UK or the States, Benefit is quite more affordable than here in Spain (if we take into account the different values of the EUR and USD or GBP), so that I had never bought anything from there before. However, yesterday I found that this pack was on sale, so I decided to get it, and now I'm so happy.

The pack contained a Bene-tint (33€), a sample-size of their Pore-Fessional (full-size 33€), the They're Real Mascara (25€), and a sample-size of one of their fragrances, Laugh with me LeeLee (full-size 37€).

I'm very excited to use them all! 
Have you ever used these products? Leave me a comment and let me know!
Cassie xx



Good morning, beautiful people!

I hope you all had a very nice night! I'm not too keen on the celebration of this night, as I have always thought that December, 31st is just a day before January, 1st. Howeve

r, I tried my best and dressed up and put my make up on for this night, to be with my family.

I hope you all have a better 2015!
Cassie F.
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