I love this place... but it's haunted without you.

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5 Things to do in October

It's here. October is finally here. After a long summer - which has not quite finished yet in Gran Canaria - a new month starts, and some changes need to be done!

Here is my list of to-do's for October:

1. ROOM MAKEOVER. I'm working on this and I'm so excited! I'm having my vacation period this month and I'm 100% on this. I will be posting my little makeover here, just in case you want to see how my room is changing. Keep an eye on the blog!

2. GYM AGAIN. This is starting to be serious. The fact of not eating at home everyday plus my work, which consists on a eight-straight-hour-period sitting in front of a computer is not doing well to my health, both mental and body wise. This needs to end, so I will be joining my gym again this month, and I will try and do this month blogilates' calendar as a challenge. Hopefully, we will see some results!

3. QUICK HOLIDAYS. As much as this doesn't help with the previous statement, I would really love to have a little scape on this vacation period - once it's over, I will be working everyday again! Maybe two days in Tenerife, with its mandatory Nars counter visit, and maybe a few days in Madrid - and another mandatory Lush store spree!

4. KEEP READING. I have been such a bookworm this summer. I started reading on march, I believe, and been reading one book after the other nonstop. However, my eReader just broke and I am so pissed! I am considering on buying a Kindle on Amazon, since everybody seems to love that, and not have problems with that. Is it worth the money? Which one should I buy? 

5. YOUTUBE. I don't know if you knew that, but I (re)started my YouTube channel a month ago, and I have been posting as regularly as I have been able to. I am trying so hard to do that, because I really enjoy it, and I will try and make videos weekly. Don't miss that!

What are your plans for October?

(Images in order of appearance via here, here)

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