I love this place... but it's haunted without you.

thanks for reading and following :)




I'm saying this again. I'm repeating this, and I'll keep repeating this over and over again, not just for you to know this - because I'm pretty sure that you know this -, but because I think I need to express my feelings. I think that if I don't express them, I can implode just at any moment. And it only takes a second to implode, but also, it only takes a second to me thinking about you and drawing a smile on my face instantly.

You came into my life, I really don't know why. I don't know the reasons. And, I promise - I really do- that I didn't know how it would ever end like this. I wasn't sure if I would like you, because I'm kinda weird. You know that very well. But I knew I liked you in the very instant I looked you in your eyes. And I knew you were nice. And kind. And lovely. And I knew I wanted to kiss you so bad, just to be 100% sure I really liked you. And, I did, didn't I?
That's how it started. 

Seriously, I don't know what on the Earth you have done to me. You've changed me. I promise I haven't ever thought about anyone so many times a day like I think about you. And every time I do that, I smile. Because you make me smile. You make me happy. You give me reasons to be happy, like anyone has done ever before. You inspire me. I want you. Everyday and every second in my life, like the oxygen I need to breath. 

I've said this so many times before, and I know that it doesn't change anything. But, just in case. I repeat it:
I want to take care of you. Actually, I do. And I do care about you - your feelings - more than my own. I would be with you any time you need me. By your side. Even if you didn't need me. I want to kiss you, touch you, heal your, embrace you, support you, hug you, caress you, comfort you, tickle you, make you laugh. Make you happy. 

I love you. And I'm in love with you. I really am. And I know that scares you, because you think that's not fair to me. Let me tell you something: Actually, I don't care. I don't care if you think you love me less than I do. What do really matters is the fact that you do love me, and not how much yo do or don't. Quality over quantity.

And I would like to tell you that I think that people usually falls in love along the time... Like I've done all these months. I don't think it disappears like it wouldn't ever exist.

Hard part here. 

I want to clarify that, even though you keep thinking that your opinions are right, and that it would be better for us to stay appart, from now since whenever -or, maybe never again-, I will accept that. With all the pain in my heart, expanded to every single cell I have in my skin. Because I love you, and that will mean that you will be happy. And that is the most important thing to me.

Please, don't you worry about me. It's true that I won't be fine until some time has passed. To be sincere, I don't even know how much time that would be. Maybe a few months. Maybe some more. 

I believe you will do the best for both. I believe in you. 

I love you.

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