El aire no conseguía llegar a sus pulmones. Por alguna razón, no conseguía hacerlo.
"Respira.... Respira, ¡coño!"
Un sentimiento de ahogo la invadía. Quería salir de ahí. Quería protegerse con algo. No podía estar pasando.
Sin más, así paso. La primera lágrima nació de su ojo izquierdo.
Según estudios psicológicos, depende del ojo del cual nazca la primera lágrima que comienza un llanto, determina si es llanto de felicidad o de tristeza.
¿Podéis adivinar de cuál de los dos ojos nació esa?
She was breathing. She was breathing so deep. Her hands were kept still on the keyboard. She couldn't move any of her muscles. Her eyes couldn't look away. It had happened. What she was afraid of. That had happened.
The air couldn't get to her lungs. She couldn't do that, and she didn't know what.
"Breathe... Breathe, damn!"
She was feeling suffocate. She wanted to get out of there. She wanted to protect herself. It couldn't be.
That was the way that things happened. The first tear was born in her left eye.
It's a psychological fact that, where the first tear is born, it sets if it is happiness or sadness.
Could you guess where did that first teardrop be born?
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